Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Block Lettering

With this project, I had the most difficulty. I first had to create a vanishing point to where my letters would face. Then, after I carefully measured and created my letters, I went back and used the grisalles shading technique to make more depth in my letters. Finally I created a happy and magestic background for my letters to live in.

Charcoal Balls

I created this drawing of two spheres by using charcoal. First, I traced the one sphere and then went back to add shadding. I used a papertowl to blend the shading and this made it look more realistic. Once i was finished with the first sphere, I repeated the process on the second sphere.

Acrylic Landscape Painting

I organized this painting, by traversing to the wilderness for a weekend, and finding the most beautiful landscape, and then I took a picture of it. Atmospheric perspective is when further away things look more foggy/hazy. I created this by using a dull color in the background. I created a light source on the rocks by making some darker and some lighter. My color scheme was monochromatic using the color blue. I used side to side brush strokes for the sky and the water, and I used up and down brush strokes for the rocks. I used value by changing the colors and adding light and darkness. This was my favorite project of the class and I really enjoyed it. Ps I <3 you B. Brokke.


The medium of this project was clay. The ariel design was stressed during the construction. I used a hump mold to form my bowl. My piece serves as a salad bowl. I created a design by randomly making lines and then making it symmetric on each side. I didnt learn anything. If I could change something I would add some color.

Pastel Still Life

I planned this magestic composition by sitting in my pantry for an hour, staring at the color and waiting to find the most beautiful thing to draw. A thumbnail sketch is a quick, small sketch of what you are planning to draw. The veiwfinder helped me decide what to draw by making things into proportion before i started drawing. I added light and shading to make my items appear three dimensional. I created a light source by making one side lighter and the other darker.